Look, this may be more of a rant than a blog, but at some point you have to put on your big girl panties and take some responsibility for your life! I am so sick of hearing people complaining, murmuring, and making excuses for where they are in their lives. They point the finger at…
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Ok, I am doing a gut check on myself and maybe some of this can help you too. In life, we have to make difficult decisions. This happens in every area of our life including with our relationships, our health, our money, jobs, businesses, and the list goes on. For this purpose we are talking…
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Hey ya’ll! I recently celebrated my mom’s birthday and got caught up. What do I mean by, “caught up?” I mean I spent money I hadn’t planned on spending. Of course I know that never happens to you. You always plan how to spend your money and never make impulse buys, right? Sure…I know, I…
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Tips and strategies from the Di$count Diva on how to buy your dream car for le$$
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February is the month of love and many are going about their ways planning to make that day great for their loved ones. Most are looking into big fancy dinners, jewelry, or flowers and candy, which often accompany huge price tags. While there is nothing wrong with spending money on others, wouldn’t it be great…
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By: Lynesha McElveen So it’s Tax Time again and it’s the time of year where many of us get large refunds in February, ball out of control in March, and have little to nothing left to show for it by April. This is a vicious cycle that often repeats itself year after year. This should…
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By Lynesha McElveen I know many of us love to entertain ourselves. We often spend money on having “fun” without thinking of any financial consequences. It’s too easy to swipe your card for tickets to a movie, or get talked into going out to dinner with a friend. While I am the queen of entertaining,…
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In today’s economy it is important now more than ever to find ways to laugh about her current situations. We could sit around sulking about job loss, pay cuts, or furloughs, but what good would that do? We could complain about the fact we haven’t gotten a raise in over a year or we could…
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