Smart is the New Rich

By Christine Romans, CNN Christine Romans says too much austerity can choke off the economy, but she says the bubble behavior days are over. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Christine Romans urges consumers to decipher between needs and wants She says it is possible to sacrifice for the future yet retain a good standard of living Romans: “Prolific…

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Budgeting for Baby

Financial Planning Tips When Expecting a Baby It is quite natural to be ecstatic when you realize that you are soon to have a baby. But it also means a tight pinch on the leisure of spending lavishly. Here are a few tips to be financially secure before your baby arrives… First time parents are…

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You Have What You Say!

By Lynesha McElveen I felt horrible last week.  Absolutely horrible.  This has been the worst allergy season that I can remember.  I have had sinus headaches, drainage, and my ears have hurt when blowing my nose.  I have had trouble breathing, dry nose, a constant cough, itchy eyes, and the like.  I could have complained…

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Budgeting Misconceptions

By Ramalingam K In practice 10 budgeting myths retard the savings of a lifetime. They are: 1) I earn a lot and need no budget:   This requires a change of perspective. Michel Jackson lived like a king but died awash in $400 million debt.  Budgeting by watching your spending pattern helps trace unnecessary     expenses…

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Stop Making Excuses!

By Lynesha McElveen Time after time, I have heard many “reasons” why people can’t achieve true success.  I’ve heard everything from, “My teachers don’t like me” from the children I work with to “I don’t where to start” from the adults.  I have made some of these excuses myself.  Mine have been more internal.  A…

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Sharing, Saving and Spending Made Simple

By Lynesha McElveen As a child growing up I remember always hearing my parents talk about the importance of preparing for the future.  My mom always talked about putting something away for a “rainy day,” while my dad spoke of the importance of using interest to get a return on my investments.  Both parents also…

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The Importance of Self Development

By Lynesha McElveen How many of us went to school, obtained a 4 year degree, maybe even a Master’s degree all for the benefit of getting ahead in life?  We tolled out thousands of dollars, some of us tens of thousands of dollars to which we are still paying back.  We were taught in order…

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Surrounding yourself with the Right People

By Lynesha McElveen I know many of you have heard the saying, “Bad Company corrupts good character,” but how many of you really take this to heart as it relates to growing your business as well as yourself.  It is easy for us to cut off friends we think are draining us, keeping mess going,…

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Student Loans and Bad Credit

By Melissa Kellet Student Loans and Bad Credit Do you have no credit history at all? If you are a student in need of funding, you should consider the options regarding student loans for those with bad credit – both government and private.  Students Facing the Odious Credit Check As with all banking credit instruments,…

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The Benefits of Collaboration

By Lynesha McElveen Sometimes we think we can do it all by ourselves.  We think we got it all under control.  We can handle it, we don’t want help, we may even be used to doing everything ourselves.  This can be a huge pitfall for the Small Business Owner.  At this stage in the game,…

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