By Melissa Kellet Student Loans and Bad Credit Do you have no credit history at all? If you are a student in need of funding, you should consider the options regarding student loans for those with bad credit – both government and private. Students Facing the Odious Credit Check As with all banking credit instruments,…
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By Fran Sloan: There is a love out there for the more luxurious items when decorating a home but not everyone can afford to purchase such items on their own, at least, not when they are new or straight out of the creator’s shops. There are options available, once you get the stigma of second-hand…
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By Lynesha McElveen What is Credit? What’s the difference between credit cards and charge cards? What is a Beacon and FICO Score? How do I wisely build credit? What is the best way to manage debt? What works best for reducing debt quickly? How many credit cards should I have? Should I pay my balance…
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By: David Bloom “How to pay off credit card debt quickly” is a concern of a lot of people. There is actually no easy way to pay for debt, but there are ways or methods that will help you pay it off. From assessing your mindset regarding the credit card to practicing more careful spending;…
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By Marc Ilgen Buying discount jewelry at estate sales has many advantages. Estate sales are the most likely places where extremely rare or antique jewelry can be found at wholesale rates or heavily discounted prices. These are usually advertised in the newspapers and interested buyers flock to these places with the hopes of finding exceptional…
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By Lynesha McElveen I know like a lot of people, my obsession is jewelry. I often dreamed of the day I could get that 2 carat engagement ring, with pave’ diamonds all around it, not knowing what it cost. When I found out I had another Birthstone (Alexandrite) one of the most expensive gems in…
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by Lynesha McElveen It hasn’t always been easy to “Ball,” but as a young college student I learned early to “Find a way or make one.” This included finding unique ways to look good on a dime. I learned to do this by shopping at various places, including: 1. Thrift Stores-Look in your local phone book…
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By Cosmus Lewis Unless you have a financial plan like budgeting your money, you are basically inviting unimportant debt in your life, and making it nearly impossible to put aside a fraction of your money. If you don’t budget, you lose control of your expenses and cannot even figure out where your money went. The…
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By Lynesha McElveen As a young woman, I have always liked and wanted nice things. Clothing has been my vice and I have worked hard at finding cheap, chic outfits for the low, low for a long time. During my shopping sprees, I have found everything from vintage Chanel to brand new…
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by: Lynesha McElveen Traveling is one of the things I love to do most. Since I love to travel frequently, it was important for me to find ways to do it for less. I have used many of these tips to travel all throughout the US, as well as Japan, Bermuda, Spain, and most recently…
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