As the Discount Diva, shopping has become a refined art form. Learning which stores have the best sales, when items become discounted, and how to negotiate for additional savings can be time consuming, but I have done some of the work for you by giving you some great tips to save while you shop! Here are 10 tips to help you get the most of your shopping experience!
1. Thrift Stores-Look in your local phone book for thrift stores or do an online search for “Top Thrift Stores” in your city. Some to look for are: Goodwill, Salvation Army, St. Vincent DePaul, ValueVillage, and 2nd Chance. I have gotten everything from Coach bags for $7 to Ralph Lauren dress shirt for $3.95 to Gucci shoes for $9.95.
- Consignment Stores-Talk to local department stores to find out where they donate clothing. Finders Keeper in Atlanta, Snooty Fox in Cincinnati, Sweet Repeats in Charlotte, Inga’s Once is not Enough in D.C. I purchased a $5000 Derek Lam at a consignment shop in Atlanta for $150!
- Resale Shops-These are great not only for buying clothes, but for reselling unworn, unused, or unwanted items. Try Plato’s Closet, Buffalo Exchange, and Lucky Exchange.
- Vintage Shops-Try Lucky Exchange in Atlanta or C Madeleine’s in Miami. You can also look for vintage clothing at thrift stores.
- Discount Department Stores- Perfect for finding new, designer clothing for discounts. Try Marshall’s, Ross, TJ Maxx, Burlington Coat Factory, K & G, Loehmann’s, and ValueCity.
- Outlet Malls- You can find outlets in most major cities. Some may have last season’s clothing, or clothes with minor defects, however, many have current styles of the
season. Some to try are Tanger Outlets, Premium Outlets, Discovery Mills
7. Wholesale Stores- You can find clothing, accessories, lingerie, and much more at these stores, for 50%-75% off retail. Check in advance because you may have to have a business license to go into some stores.
8. Flea Markets-This way of shopping is a great way to find unique items where you can negotiate your price. You also want to consider renting a booth and selling some of your own items.
9. Yard Sales-Also another unique way to find all kinds of items. You can often find valuable items, including: clothing, purses, jewelry, house wares, and even one of a kind or historical pieces. Check your local newspapers or just drive around neighborhoods and look for signs.
10. Trade Parties- This requires getting together with friends and trading items you can no longer wear, don’t like, or don’t want. Best of all you can get new items with no money. I was able to snag two St. John tops at my last party!
I hope you can combine these strategies to get what you want and save money in the process. You can use 1 or all, but best of all, you are sure to find some great deals along the way! Happy shopping!