You Have What You Say!

By Lynesha McElveen

I felt horrible last week.  Absolutely horrible.  This has been the worst allergy season that I can remember.  I have had sinus headaches, drainage, and my ears have hurt when blowing my nose.  I have had trouble breathing, dry nose, a constant cough, itchy eyes, and the like.  I could have complained and spoke words of death, but instead, I decided to be silent or to speak words of life.  To think, “I am healed, whole, complete” and to say those words too!

 I know, I know, that’s easier said than done, but what is the alternative?  Saying I am sick and feel awful.  That to me that was no alternative at all. 

 I have decided to take control of my life, and it starts with what I think and say.  The Biblical scriptures say, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  They also say, “Your words have power” and “You shall have what you say.”  If that is the case, I want to have peace, prosperity, fullness, health, joy, and all the good things life has to offer. 

 I am quite sure, you want the same things.  So let’s begin today by making a constant decision to only speak words that build up, encourage, and strengthen.  If we catch ourselves making negative comments, stop immediately.  You may even need to wear a rubber band around your wrist to pop yourself, or recruit a spouse, friend or colleague to help you keep an account by paying them a quarter every time you complain. 

 Controlling your thinking is a little harder because we often times have fleeting thoughts.  One way to manage your thoughts is by practicing meditation.  This helps you center yourself and at least set aside some time daily for only positive thought.  Start out small.  Try 3 minutes a day of thinking good thoughts, then up it to 5 minutes, and so forth. 

 You may also want to try interrupting your thoughts with your words.  For example, try this out.  Get absolutely quiet.  Clear you mind.  Then think about something …anything.  Now say your name.  You’ll notice, when you said your name, your thoughts were interrupted.  To apply this to positive thinking, whenever you are thinking something negative, interrupt the thoughts with positive words, i.e. I am happy, I am grateful, I am calm, I am on time (a big one for me!), I am healthy and vibrant.  Whatever you are thinking that is negative, speak the opposite.  If you are thinking you don’t know how you are going to start this business, say, “I have wisdom to start my business and it is successfully brining in X amount of dollars/month.”  Even if you don’t believe it, say it any ways.  The more you say it, the more you will believe it, and as your thinking changes, you will see your life changing and you will “Have what you Say!”



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