The Holidays are Over…Now What?

Head Shot 3Hey Divas! Many of us recently celebrated Thanksgiving, which may have included food, family, travel, and even shopping. For me, it was a time of enjoying my family and friends and “getting away from it all” for just a brief moment, although; I have so much to do that I don’t need to get away from anything!

I enjoy Thanksgiving, but outside of the great food and gathering of family and friends, for me it’s just another day. Another day to be thankful for, and not any more thankful than on the other 364 (or 365 in a leap year) days of the year!

Which brings me to the question, as this blog takes a TOTALLY different direction than what I planned! Why do we wait until certain days to express our gratitude? Why do we wait until Thanksgiving, Birthdays, Anniversaries, or other Holidays to show people we cherish them? Shouldn’t we be expressing affection every day of the year? Ladies, wouldn’t it be nice to come home to flowers, candy, and a gift on a just because day and not just on Valentine’s Day and gentlemen don’t you wish you could be acknowledged for being a great husband or father outside of Father’s Day?

We have gotten so caught up in tradition that we have forgotten about the simple things in life, like telling each other, “I love you” on a Tuesday or giving someone a thank you on no particular day of the week at all.

I myself admit to have gotten caught up in the tradition of shopping on Black Friday to get an extra deal on some electronics. I actually bought my Surface last year for $219 including keyboard, 2 year warranty, $20 app card, and case. I mean, I’m still The Discount Diva. LOL! The funny thing is though, I shop all year long, so I have the nerve to go out there on Black Friday and during the whole holiday shopping season and get mad at the other people for causing me inconvenience. Really, Lynesha????? If this season is about LOVE, than you couldn’t be showing much by getting mad at the lady who jumped you in line, huh?

The holidays are over now so what are we going to do differently? Will we wait until next Thanksgiving to be thankful for what we have, gather together with family and friends, or cook a BIG meal to show others we love them or will we take time to begin each day with thanksgiving, plan events that bless others, and acknowledge one another as often as we can? I know what I am going to do, now your choice is up to you!


Lynesha McElveen is the Author of, “Discount Diva’s 30 Tips to Having the Best for Less” and is an avid blogger, deal enthusiast, and The Discount Diva ®. She is also the CEO of Liberty Educational Group a company that helps give people the freedom to “Get a L.E.G. Up on Life” through Life Coaching, Economic Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Education, and Greatness Training. You can book her by contacting her Publicist, Rodney McElveen at: You can purchase her book at: or on Amazon and Kindle.

Follow her on Facebook at: LyneshaTheDiscountDiva and “Like” her Fan Page: The Discount Diva. Also, Youtube, LinkedIn and Twitter at: Lynesha McElveen and Instagram @TheDiscountDiva




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